Across the Margin — A great site that accepts writing of many types, and replies quickly to submissions. Very professionally done. From their “About” page: “Simply put, Across the Margin is an online magazine. One that aims to prove that long-form content still has a place, and can thrive online. Within these ‘pages’ can be found an eclectic mix of fiction, editorials, and factual prose that explore the current state of the world around us, and the depths of our human nature…Across the Margin is a place where boundaries do not exist. It’s a safe house for topics of all kinds. Ideas can expose themselves in the light of the brightest day at Across the Margin with no fear of scrutiny or judgement. It’s the Island of Misfit Toys speaking their mind. It’s the inmates running the asylum with pride and with the efficiency that eluded the previous government. The benchwarmers getting their run and making damn good use of the time. A pirate ship set sail after the captain has been cast overboard. Land motherf*ckin ho….you get the idea.” No mention of pay.
Minute Magazine — From their site: Submissions should reflect the mission of Minute Magazine: to examine life under the microscope. In other words, some aspect of your submission should involve an insightful observation about a seemingly ordinary object or idea. Tell us about the rust on a coin, the oranges on your dinner table, your friend’s hair between your fingers. Tell us what makes the little things in life so magical. Publishes quarterly and submissions are welcome year-round. Word limits apply in fiction category; also accepts poetry and art. No payment.
Our Write Side — Publishes periodic anthologies. No FAQ on the site; they also are a small publishing house (not sure if it’s a vanity press). No clear indication of whether there is a submission fee or not. Other resources here as well — a writer’s community, articles, and more.
VQR Magazine — Virginia Quarterly Review, a National Journal of Literature and Discussion. Publishing since 1925. Holds a high standard of excellence in Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Book Reviews, and more.. Generally not interested in genre fiction. Pays quite well; unsolicited submissions welcome during their open reading period, July 1-30.