Hey, hey! I know I’ve been kinda quiet of late—did ya miss me?—but I’ve been pretty busy over the last couple of months, and the summer shows no sign of slowing down.
Here’s what’s up:
I’ve signed up for a Blurb Blitz blog tour (say THAT three times fast) with Goddess Fish Promotions. The tour starts Monday June 5, featuring Entheóphage on a different blog every day for the rest of the month! Some of those blogs will offer the opportunity for visitors to comment, so I’ll be lurking those days (after work on my workdays) to answer questions or comments any of you might have. Here’s the schedule, with links to each and every blog stop on the tour. Stop by if you can, say hello, and show some love to these bloggers who support indie authors!
On June 9 at 6:30 p.m. ET, I’ll be featured in the #ReadLocalShow on Toi Thomas’s YouTube channel. Toi is an amazing hostess whose support of indie authors is awesome, and I had a lot of fun talking with her. I’ll also be watching when the interview goes live, so if you want to stop by and ask questions or offer comments, I’ll be there to respond. Toi’s YouTube channel is chock-full of bookish and other fun stuff. Be sure to check it out!
Then, later this summer, I’ll be “appearing” on the Determination, Deliberation, and Dragons podcast. The episode is set to go live on August 15 at 7:01 a.m. ET. Peter, my host, asked lots of great questions including, “How do you train a dragon?” Fun! DDD posts a new podcast about every two weeks with interviews, workshops, and more. Definitely worth a look!
That’s all the events and appearances for now. BUT WAIT…
Book one in The Founder’s Seed is still with the proofreader, and I’m about to begin changes on book 2. Book 3 is still with beta readers; I hope to begin editing that one by the end of this summer.
Beta readers are always welcome! If you would like to read some of my work ahead of the masses and are willing to provide creative feedback and completed questionnaires on a schedule, drop me a note. Let’s chat!
That’s all for now. If you’re on my mailing list, you already know all this since this schedule and info came directly to your inbox. And if you aren’t on my mailing list, why not? Subscribers get first access to unpublished short stories, sneak peaks at chapters, articles about sustainability, and fresh news before anyone else. Check it out here!