Illustrated by Jo Titman
@2023 MaxineBlake.com
Kindle version: file size 2956 KB
Paperback, 240 pages.
What an interesting and fun peek behind the curtain into the world of teaching and educators! Author Maxine Blake shares some stories—hilarious, awkward, surprising—from her teaching days. Some tales come from her own experience, some from her fellow educators, and still others from stories shared by students years later. It’s clear to me that the bonds between the teaching staff become almost like family ties over years of working together for the betterment of their student body, and it was enjoyable to take a walk back-stage.
I must admit that some of the language, being strongly UK-centric, was lost on me, while other terms confused me a bit since US terms and UK terms for the same thing aren’t always the same word. Still, context gave clarity in most cases.
As it’s not all one full story, but pieces of many stories, it’s easy to pick up the book and read a little during your lunch break, or when waiting at an appointment, without losing the thread. Recommended, especially for anyone whose profession is/has been related to education.